Pres. Trump won the court case and can withhold money, as penalty!  He sure gets it done - listen up

1. Sanctuary cities are a blatant violation of federal law. Some on the left have tried to claim that they’re perfectly legal, but this is clearly false. As James Walsh, former associate general counsel of Immigration and Naturalization Services, explains, 8 USC section 1324 “deals with those persons who knowingly conceal, harbor, or shield undocumented aliens and could apply to officials in sanctuary cities and states.”
The fact that leftists are digging their heels in on sanctuary cities means they’re supporting a form of nullification, an irony not missed by Victor Davis Hanson:  Much of the rural West opposes the Endangered Species Act. Can Wyoming declare that federally protected rats and bugs are not protected inside its state borders, when such pests obstruct construction of dams or highways? Many conservatives oppose federal restrictions on gun sales. Could Oklahoma City declare hand-gun purchases within its city-limits free of federal firearms statutes? Perhaps Little Rock could ignore a Supreme Court ruling and announce that gay marriage is not legal within its jurisdiction. On what rationale would liberals in California object to such nullifications — that neither state nor city had the right to ignore a federal law or to obstruct the law enforcement duties of federal officials?
2. Sanctuary cities undermine law enforcement. Not only do they refuse to cooperate with federal agents in deporting illegals, sanctuary cities make it more difficult for police officers to do their job. Some police officers in the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) expressed their frustration with the city’s sanctuary city policy to Heather Mac Donald in 2004:  “We can’t even talk about it,” says a frustrated LAPD captain. “People are afraid of a backlash from Hispanics.” Another LAPD commander in a predominantly Hispanic, gang-infested district sighs: “I would get a firestorm of criticism if I talked about [enforcing the immigration law against illegals].”
In that 2004 piece, Mac Donald documents how members of the LAPD were able to recognize known gang members, but couldn’t do anything to apprehend them until they had committed a crime – despite the fact that they were illegals who repeatedly snuck back into the country. This is the case with other sanctuary cities as well.
3. Sanctuary cities are “akin to roulette.” “The odds suggest that most illegal aliens detained by officials are not career felons and thus supposedly need not be turned over to ICE for deportation,” writes Hanson. “On the chance that some of their 10,000 released criminals will go on to commit further crimes in the manner of Juan Lopez-Sanchez, officials then shrug that the public outcry will be episodic and quickly die down, or will at least not pose political problems as great as would come from deporting aliens.”
But the odds don’t suggest this. Hanson notes that according to Mac Donald, “Two-thirds of all outstanding felony warrants in the city of Los Angeles involved illegal aliens — as well as 95% of outstanding murder warrants.”
Additionally, Jessica Vaughn of the Center for Immigration Studies found that in a nine-month timeframe in 2014, sanctuary cities shielded 9,265 illegals from deportation, 62 percent of which “had significant prior criminal histories” and 2,320 of them were subsequently rearrested for new crimes, according to Daniel Horowitz at Conservative Review.
“There is no telling how many have committed crimes and were never caught,” writes Horowitz. “This is just a nine-month snapshot of the devastation from sanctuary policies. As of last year, 69% of them were still at large. So much for not being a flight risk.”
According to Vaughn, from January 2014 to September 30, 2015, sanctuary cities rebuked over 17,000 detainers, 68 percent of which involved “individuals with a prior criminal history.”
Based on these statistics, it would seem that the odds are against the cities’ residents who could be harmed by criminal aliens, which makes it no surprise that… According to Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry, crime has risen in “sanctuary cities” across the nation.
Landry told the House Judiciary Committee’s Subcommittee on Immigration and Border Security, that sanctuary city policies “allow illegals to commit crimes, then roam free in our communities.” Landry’s appearance was prompted by the changed status of New Orleans, where city police are now banned from asking an individual’s immigration status.
Using recent statistics from Los Angeles, another sanctuary city, Landry asserted, “Los Angeles saw all crime rise in 2015: violent crime up 19.9 percent, homicides up 10.2 percent, shooting victims up 12.6 percent, rapes up 8.6 percent, robberies up 12.3 percent, and aggravated assault up 27.5 percent … (sanctuary cities) encourage further illegal immigration and promote an underground economy that sabotages the tax base.”
This would make sense given the aforementioned statistics and the fact that there is a clear link between illegal immigration and crime.
Wow! There are an estimated 300 sanctuary cities, counties, and states, according to Vaughn. The full map on such jurisdictions can be seen here. Do you live in a sanctuary city?  Do you know which states are Sanctuary?  Get informed CLICK HERE

Sanctuary cities are so Dem anti-America - WOW!

What else do Republicans want?

Pres. Trump has outlined many ...  His Health Care, anti-legalized pot, Senate Dem corruption clean-up, tax cut extension, and his immigration reform PLANS that will happen if we take back the HOUSE in sufficient numbers and are reasons to vote Republican all the way.  His Anti-Sanctuary Cities/States plan has already been realized!  His travel ban was supported by the court and will probably be extended to other countries.   Also, the court has given us a clear path to end DACA and force asylum seekers to apply in nearest country!  During his next term the wall will be finished (and hopefully immigration reform)!
---->Republicans want to make voting simple ----> and legal - oops!  We want no more fake elections.
---->Republicans want strong allies like Australia, Brazil, United Kingdom and Japan etc. and want to work with the UN on Iran (see above Nav bar).  Fair Share?
---->Republicans want to be energy independent; this happened in 2019 under Pres. Trump!  What is the definition?
---->Republicans want to keep-up the healthy economy; we need to recall and increase jobs.
---->Republicans want strong strategic/trade alliances with Saudi Arabia.  USA wants oil biz/customers and great prices.  Pres. Trump made this happen along with a great, new trade agreement with Mexico and Canada that puts America first.  Reelect Pres. Trump to see a great trade agreement emerge with China! (See Pres. Trump plan to get out of debt!)  What's developing between the U.S. and EU?    S. AmericaAfrica?
---->Republicans want a lot of foreign aid to stop; it enables human trafficking and ruthless rulers.  How to help starving, oppressed people workaround?
---->Republicans and trade mediation.  NOT?  Japan did not help; ohwell
---->Republicans want denuclearization and Pres. Trump is the only Pres. in a long, long time making any efforts i.e. Iran and N. Korea.  Next term his hands won't be tied with Russia; let's see what inroads can be established!
---->Republicans want clean air and water.
---->Republicans want virus prevention measures in place AND a virus remedy.  Antibiotics good for bacterial infections not viruses, so will a laser technique be ready by fall?  Let's pray  Vaccination + laser= happy
---->Republicans want more middle-income opportunities.  How to be successful, without college?  Tip:  be careful, choose college wisely; the coming of robots will change the job/career choices drastically. Pres. Trump and robot management - another promise kept!
---->Republicans want wages to continue to rise:  Fed Gov employees get pay raise; many states have raised their minimum wages (putting jobs at risk & when we need to add jobs)
---->Republicans want prayer in schools - YEAH!    anti-abortion  conceal-carry gun states   assault weapons  Many police have ar-15 rifles, so citizens need them as well - to defend against the criminals.  Gun free zones attract mass shooters.
---->Republicans want to keep the electoral college process and the structure of the Supreme Court (packing not an option).  Thanks to Pres. Trump we have lots of new judges i.e. Gorsuch and Kavanaugh!  Amy Coney Barrett will soon be the new addition!
---->Republicans want the good news to flow to your ears - find radio station near you - HERE  Near Las Vegas = KMZQ-670 AM, Rush Limbaugh= KXNT-840 AM ALSO Ben Shapiro=KXNT-840 AM, Dana Loesch=KBET- 790 AM etc.

The Pres. Trump type of Nationalism

Here's a great "wear your red hat" --- Song

We’re not talking about Hitler or Stalin Nationalism.  Nor are we talking about the KKK, or White Nationalism.  Nor are we talking about violent Antifa or FDR madness.  No,  we do have the opportunity to learn from the past.

This Nationalism has a wonderful glow.  This nationalism must strengthen the sense of the nation in the minds and hearts of the people, but also integrate purpose and direction to that “individuality.”  This requires leaders to love their countries totally and apologetically and to demonstrate a new national pride that elevates love of country above the hatred of someone else’s.

Today, lack of religious belief, is the foremost cause of the division and hatred especially in America.  Good vs. Evil.   How can we get united?

The Trump nationalism establishes a right relationship between the particular and the universal, between the individual nation and the community of nations.  It is free from selfishness and greed and will give birth to a true national unity—true because it is both unified within itself and unified with that which is outside itself.

This Trump nationalism would give form to the universal principle E Pluribus Unum.  E pluribus unum is Latin for “out of many, one.” The Continental Congress adopted the motto in 1776, intending to forge 13 independent colonies into a single nation.

Over the years, it has come to refer to the United States as a melting pot, a nation of immigrants from many lands merging into citizens of a single country.

No country has succeeded in welcoming and assimilating immigrants on such a scale

America is a nation of immigrants with over 98 percent of its citizens tracing their roots to ancestors who arrived here in the last 400 years. No country has succeeded in welcoming and assimilating immigrants on such a scale.

Americans have much in common: political and religious freedom, economic opportunity and a vibrant culture influenced and enriched by the wide variety of immigrants arriving on our shores. American television, movies, music and clothing styles appear around the globe.

Freedom and opportunity continue to attract immigrants from around the world.  We can take pride in what millions of immigrants from more than a hundred countries have accomplished.

1st - read/listen up on our dangerous Educ  system - HERE

2nd -- today’s melting pot/Pres. Trump Nationalism has an enemy: liberal identity politics.  Identity politics represents the latest assault to emanate from our colleges and universities on the principles and practices of liberal democracy. 

It directs students to think of themselves as members of a race, class, or gender first and primarily, and then to define their virtue in terms of the degree of oppression that they believe the group with which they identify has suffered. 

It demotes the individual rights shared equally by all that undergird American constitutional government, while distributing group rights based on its self-proclaimed hierarchy of grievances. 

It imperiously pronounces collective guilt and summarily rejects appeals. 

It nurtures a sense of victimhood in those it purports to protect and empower. 

In the guise of fighting domination, it aims to impose its will on all. In these ways and more, identity politics trains students to turn up the heat of the tribalism that threatens to engulf the nation.

The troubles that plague the country because of the troubles that plague liberal education in America have been a long time in the making. 

In 1951, young William F. Buckley published “God and Man at Yale.” It documents how, despite their protestations to neutrality, the professors at Buckley’s Alma mater used courses in the humanities and social sciences to advance progressive aims.

In the fall of 1968, The Public Interest devoted a special issue to the unrest roiling universities in the United States and Europe. Students demanded the overhaul of the curriculum so it could serve as a vehicle for left-wing social change. Administrators and professors were only too willing to oblige.

In the 1970s — as Roger Kimball recounted in 1990 in “Tenured Radicals” — many students brought to graduate school programs in the humanities and the social sciences the belief that teaching and scholarship should be undertaken as politics by other means.

In the late 1980s, not long after the first wave of 1960s undergraduates and 1970s graduate students obtained tenure, an obscure professor of political philosophy at the University of Chicago published a book about the decline of higher education that became an unlikely New York Times bestseller. 

In “The Closing of the American Mind,” Allan Bloom argued that colleges taught students to believe that morality is relative to time and place, and therefore that the beliefs and practices of all cultures are deserving of equal respect. The thoughtless embrace of this non sequitur, Bloom contended, impoverished students’ souls and left them ill-equipped to appreciate the discipline of liberty and self-government. He advocated a return to the study of the great books.

In 1998, in “The Shadow University,” attorney Harvey Silverglate and University of Pennsylvania Professor Alan Charles Kors exposed the damage universities did to liberal education through their betrayal of free speech and due process.

In 1999, the authors established The Foundation for Individual Rights in Education to provide legal assistance to those on campus whose free speech was abridged or who had been denied due process. FIRE aimed to put itself out of business through vigorous defense of the basic liberal norms that underlie liberal education and liberal democracy alike. Two decades later, the organization finds itself bigger and busier than ever.
Identity politics has accelerated the progressive politicization of the curriculum that has defined higher education since at least the 1950s. It also thrusts to the fore a new element. From the mid-1980s through the first decade of the 21st century, campus orthodoxy revolved around a form of dogmatic relativism that antedates the emergence, but frequently goes by the name, of postmodernism. Identity politics supplanted postmodernism’s dogmatic relativism with a dogmatic dogmatism. But the devotion to left-liberal political goals remained intact and the erosion of the basic norms of free societies continued. 

Postmodernism declared — and humanities departments and many professors in the social sciences dutifully drummed into their students’ heads — that truth was a fiction, reality was socially constructed, and “grand narratives” were dead. The proselytizing professors and their credulous students assumed that these postmodern precepts — which they incoherently treated as absolute and incontrovertible truths — vindicated progressive imperatives by dispelling metaphysical superstitions and casting aside political opiates. Yet Nietzsche knew better: If nothing is true, everything is permitted.

Whereas postmodernism concealed its dogmatism, identity politics wears its heart on its sleeve. It regards its own grand narrative as comprehensive and unimpeachable. It declares — without any apparent felt need to marshal evidence or examine alternative opinions — that the history of Western civilization is marked by a structural racism and sexism, and by a systemic persecution of the powerless by the privileged. 

The sister doctrine of intersectionality adds that all crimes and sins committed by the unjustly privileged oppressors — typically white men — are indissolubly connected while righteousness inheres exclusively in the oppressed, comprising people of color and women. 

Notwithstanding recent wavering about white women (some of whom have had the temerity to vote for Republicans), identity politics affirms that victims are neatly distinguishable from, morally superior to, and entitled to greater political power than, the villains.
Like the purveyors of postmodernism, the ideologues of identity politics align themselves with progressive goals. And no less than postmodernism, identity politics subverts the fundamental principles of liberal democracy. 

Both teach that free speech, due process, and the very idea of limited constitutional government are frauds committed by the strong to subjugate the weak. Small wonder that progressive elites not only in the academy but also in the media, in government, and in Silicon Valley — all dominated by graduates of our leading colleges and universities — disregard or disparage the norms of liberal democracy.

No antidote to the poison that higher education has been pumping into our politics for three generations can succeed without reforming higher education. But prospects are poor for effecting the necessary changes from within. The progressive grip on higher education shows no signs of weakening. Faculty and administrators exhibit little appetite for self-criticism or external accountability. The implementation of inherently desirable practices inside the university such as a core curriculum are likely to be hijacked to serve illiberal ends.

That leaves a variety of alternatives outside of the university. Home schooling and charter schools that nurture the acquisition of knowledge and spirit of free inquiry before college are important options. 

Here's an interesting take on it all -- Here