Immigration Reform proposal - Let's add all of the below to the asylum changes described in proposal, OK?

NOTE:   There are two ways to obtain asylum, affirmatively or defensively. Migrants who apply for asylum affirmatively submit a form to the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services within one year of arriving in the U.S., either at the U.S. border or from within the country. Those who apply defensively do so after they’ve been arrested and placed in expedited removal proceedings.

Affirmative Asylum Process

Step One

To apply for asylum in the U.S., you must be physically present in the U.S. or seeking entry into the U.S. at a port of entry (recently changed - court backed Pres.Trump). 

Pres. Trump made it happen once again.  Asylum seekers must nowadays seek asylum in transit country - This third country would then determine whether to grant protection to the asylum seeker.

The new policy applies specifically to the U.S.-Mexico border, saying that "an alien who enters or attempts to enter the United States across the southern border after failing to apply for protection in a third country outside the alien's country of citizenship, nationality, or last lawful habitual residence through which the alien transited en route to the United States is ineligible for asylum."

According to a DHS news release, the U.S. rule would set "a new bar to eligibility" for anyone seeking asylum. It also allows exceptions in three limited cases:

"1) an alien who demonstrates that he or she applied for protection from persecution or torture in at least one of the countries through which the alien transited en route to the United States, and the alien received a final judgment denying the alien protection in such country;

"(2) an alien who demonstrates that he or she satisfies the definition of 'victim of a severe form of trafficking in persons' provided in 8 C.F.R. § 214.11; or,

"(3) an alien who has transited en route to the United States through only a country or countries that were not parties to the 1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees, the 1967 Protocol, or the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment."

The DHS release describes asylum as " a discretionary benefit offered by the United States Government to those fleeing persecution on account of race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group, or political opinion."

The exceptions will now be allowed to apply to U.S.A., but let's talk about these exceptions and throw details into the mix, OK? 

Step Two - Apply - New Policy

To apply for asylum, you should file Form I-589, Application for Asylum and for Withholding of Removal, with USCIS within one year of your last arrival in the United States (unless you qualify for an exception to the one-year filing deadline).
Do not submit a completed fingerprint card (FD-258) or fingerprint fee with your application. Your application will be accepted without the fingerprint card attached.
More information about how to file your application can be found in the instructions for Form I-589 (PDF, 295 KB).
For information on asylum eligibility, see the Asylum Eligibility and Applications page on

Bars to Applying for Asylum

You may not be eligible to apply for asylum if you:

  • Did not follow the one-year filing deadline for Form I-589, Application for Asylum and for Withholding of Removal. The one-year deadline is calculated from the date of your last arrival in the U.S. or April 1, 1997, whichever is later;
  • Had a previous asylum application denied by an immigration judge or the Board of Immigration Appeals; or
  • Can be removed to a safe third country under a two-party or multi-party agreement between the United States and other countries.
There are exceptions to these bars for “changed circumstances” or “extraordinary circumstances.”
Both are defined in 8 CFR 208.4. For more information on the bars and the exceptions, see our Asylum Bars Web page.


above pic is new construction of wall - The USA loves asylum seekers, migrants, immigrants and refugees, if process is done legally.   Illegal attempts have dire results.

Once USCIS has received the completed application, you will receive two notices:

1. Acknowledgment of receipt of your application, and
2. Notice to visit your nearest application support center (ASC) for fingerprinting.
For more information on locating an ASC, see our USCIS Service and Office LocatorWeb page.

Step Three - Fingerprinting + Background Check

After maybe 2 mos. - You should read the ASC Appointment Notice and take it with you to your fingerprinting appointment at the ASC. You do not need to pay a fingerprinting fee as an asylum applicant.
If you are also requesting asylum status for your spouse and children and they are with you in the U.S., they will need to go with you to your ASC appointment.
More information is available on our Preparing for Your Biometric Services Appointment page.

Step Four - Receive Interview Notice

Depending on where you live, we will schedule you for an interview with an asylum officer either at one of the eight asylum offices, the two asylum sub-offices, or at a USCIS field office (“circuit ride location”). For more information about USCIS field and asylum offices, visit our Find A USCIS Office page. Your interview notice will tell you the date, location, and time of your asylum interview.
As of January 29, 2018, the USCIS Asylum Division is scheduling asylum interviews in the following order of priority:*
  • First priority: Applications that were scheduled for an interview, but the interview had to be rescheduled at the applicant’s request or the needs of USCIS;
  • Second priority: Applications that have been pending 21 days or less since filing;
  • Third priority: All other pending affirmative asylum applications will be scheduled for interviews starting with newer filings and working back towards older filings.

Step Five - Interview

You may bring an attorney or accredited representative to the interview. You must also bring your spouse and any children seeking derivative asylum benefits to the interview.
If you cannot proceed with the interview in English you must bring an interpreter.
The interview will generally last about an hour, although the time may vary depending on the case. You may also bring witnesses to testify on your behalf.
For more information about your asylum interview, see our Web page on Preparing for Your Asylum Interview.

Step Six - Officer makes Decision

You must meet the definition of a refugee in order to be eligible for asylum.
The asylum officer will determine whether you:
  • Are eligible to apply for asylum,
  • Meet the definition of a refugee in section 101(a)(42)(A) of the INA, and
  • Are barred from being granted asylum under section 208(b)(2) of the INA.
A supervisory asylum officer reviews the asylum officer’s decision to ensure it is consistent with the law. Depending on the case, the supervisory asylum officer may refer the decision to asylum division staff at USCIS headquarters for additional review.

Step Seven - Get Decision within approx. 4 mos.

In most cases, you will return to the asylum office to pick up the decision two weeks after the asylum officer interviewed you.

Longer processing times may be required if you:
  • Are currently in valid immigration status,
  • Were interviewed at a USCIS field office,
  • Have pending security checks, or
  • Have a case that is being reviewed by asylum division staff at USCIS headquarters.
We will normally mail your decision to you in these situations.
For more information on the types of asylum decisions issued by USCIS, see our Web page on Types of Asylum Decisions.
Additional information on the affirmative asylum process is available on our Resources for Asylum Applicants page.
You can check your case status online. All you need is the receipt number that we mailed you after you filed your application. Start here:
already know that after just 180 days you can apply for a work permit
While waiting, where in the USA will you reside?  You already know that it doesn’t really matter as we in the USA lose track of you anyway, right?
Few, but some actually have a case for asylum.  Remember, asylum is not wanting a job or a better way of life; it must be life threatening.
Who is eventually granted asylum?


Comparing to Europe
Invaders coming in mass and could ruin a country.   This is why Merkel will end in 2021 at end of term.  This is why Brexit is so important to the UK.
Below is letter from Nurse in Germany telling it like it is . . .
Just in case you don't think President Trump is doing the right thing! Read this!
*\"Yesterday, at the hospital, we had a meeting about how the situation here and at the other Munich hospitals are unsustainable.
*Clinics cannot handle the number of migrant medical emergencies, so they are starting to send everything to the main hospitals.
*Many Muslims are refusing treatment by female staff, and we women are now refusing to go among those migrants!
*Relations between the staff and migrants are going from bad to worse. Since last weekend, migrants going to the hospitals must be accompanied by police with K-9 units.


*Many migrants have AIDS, syphilis, open TB and many exotic diseases that we in Europe do not know how to treat. If they receive a prescription to the pharmacy, they suddenly learn they have to pay cash. This leads to unbelievable outbursts, especially when it is about drugs for the children. They abandon the children with pharmacy staff with the words: So, cure them yourselves! So the police are not just guarding the clinics and hospitals, but also the large pharmacies.
* We ask openly where are all those who welcomed the migrants in front of TV cameras with signs at train stations? Yes, for now, the border has been closed, but a million of them are already here and we will definitely not be able to get rid of them.
*Until now, the number of unemployed in Germany was 2.2 million. Now it will be at least 3.5 million. Most of these people are completely unemployable. Only a small minimum of them have any education. What is more, their women usually do not work at all. I estimate that one in ten is pregnant. Hundreds of thousands of them have brought along infants and little kids under six, many emaciated and very needy.
See Video - a doozy
If this continues and Germany re-opens its borders, I am going home to the Czech Republic. Nobody can keep me here in this situation, not even for double the salary back home. I came to Germany to work, not to Africa or the Middle East!
Even the professor who heads our department told us how sad it makes him to see the cleaning woman, who has cleaned every day for years for 800 euros and then meets crowds of young men in the hallways who just wait with their hands outstretched, waiting for free, and when they don't get it they throw a fit.
I really don't need this! But I am afraid that if I return home, at some point it will be the same in the Czech Republic. If the Germans, with their systems, cannot handle this, then, guaranteed, back home will be total chaos....
*You - who have not come in contact with these people have absolutely no idea what kind of badly behaved desperados these people are, and how Muslims act superior to our staff, regarding their religious accommodation.
*For now, the local hospital staff have not come down with the diseases these people brought here, but with so many hundreds of patients every day of this is just a question of time.
*In a hospital near the Rhine, migrants attacked the staff with knives after they had handed over an 8-month-old on the brink of death, who they'd dragged across half of Europe for three months. The child died two days later, despite having received top care at one of the best pediatric clinics in Germany. The pediatric physician had to undergo surgery and the two nurses are recovering in the ICU.
Nobody has been punished. The local press is forbidden to write about it, so we can only inform you through email.What would have happened to a German if he had stabbed the doctor and nurses with a knife? Or if he had flung his own syphilis-infected urine into a nurse's face and so threatened her with infection? At a minimum he would have gone straight to jail and later to court. With these people so far, nothing has happened.
And so I ask: Where are all those greeters and receivers from the train stations? Sitting pretty at home, enjoying their uncomplicated, safe lives. If it were up to me, I would round up all those greeters and bring them here first to our hospitals emergency ward as attendants! Then in to one of the buildings housing the migrants, so they can really look after them there themselves, without armed police and police dogs, who, sadly today, are in every hospital here in Bavaria.\"
*Is this \"situation\" coming to our country?
                                              Serious video to watch
USA Problems - Making the Soros Connection
Not only do I worry about the spreading of disease, but I worry about the terrorist causing a pandemic.
Soros Manufactured Crisis    Obama/Soros connection back when


What we do know is this thing [the caravan] cost millions and millions of dollars. . . .  One of the lies the [mainstream] media is trying to propagate is the fact that all this weird organic thing and all the water and the food and medicine, all dropped [like]. . . manna from heaven. It’s bologna. It’s all highly organized. It’s paid for by a number of organizations/   “We do know that Pueblo Sin Fronteras, which is the main group which has organized this caravan, has a couple of front organizations in the United States and the money is flowing from them to Pueblo Sin Fronteras [in Mexico].”

According to Mexico News Daily and Milenio, around 350 migrants chose to leave the caravan once it reached Tijuana, Mexico in order to return to their Central American countries, claiming they were “misled about their chances of gaining entry to the U.S.
“Pueblos Sin Fronteras [sic] told us not to worry, that there was going to be transportation, that Mexico was going to open the gates so that we didn’t have to enter [the U.S.] illegally, via the river . . .” Honduran migrant Ulises López said, referring to the attempted border breach Sunday.
“What was offered to the caravan of Honduran migrants was a trap . . . The people that brought us to this place, supposedly [caravan] leaders, took advantage of us, they used us in a horrific way, what they did to us has no name,” he added.
Proof of Soros involvement