Abraham Lincoln - Civil War was mainly about taxes - The Revenue Act of 1861 was signed into law by Abraham Lincoln. This Act introduced Federal income tax as a flat rate tax.  The South produced and exported most of the goods in America, and under the tariff, that resulted in the South paying about 75% of all taxes in America.  Do you know the battles that were fought?

Why did John Wilkes Booth assassinate President Lincoln?

Booth, raised in Bel Air, Maryland, was a Southern sympathizer, deeply disappointed that the Confederacy had lost the war and that slavery was ending. He focused his anger on the president.  

The assassination grew out of a kidnapping plot. Booth and others had plotted to snatch the president, spirit him away to Richmond, then exchange him for thousands of Confederate prisoners of war who could return to the battlefield.  

Booth did work with Confederate agents, so it’s likely some in the Confederate government knew about the kidnap plot.  

Booth was on the run for 12 days in Southern Maryland and Virginia before he was shot and killed by federal troops in a barn in Port Royal, Virginia.

Was Abraham Lincoln, the “Great Emancipator,” a racist?

Our education is so bad, some think the Civil War was all about freeing slaves.  Lincoln punished the states that seceded by freeing their slaves.  Also, they were not accepted as fully human i.e the Constitution only recognized a black as three-fifths of a person.  Science of the era backed-up that theory.  S. States applied other restrictions

  • Who has slave heritage and are you the underdog nowadays as a result? (1865 - 2020)  Really?
  • Would reparations make things right - punish to get a leg up?
  •   Are you proposing to correct or punish the thinking of that era by charging black slavemaster current relatives or businesses?  Yes, blacks had slaves too.
  • Getting the funds for reparations is to Correct/Punish.  Will charging those living somehow atone or make amends for another era policy/thinking/actions?  Why punish the innocent; why punish at all; it was a different era?
  • Does end justify means or leg-up justify punishing the innocent?
Does Black crime & shootings warrant cop killing?  Do we have a police brutality problem?

Some people in the U.S.A. say they like Russia/Communism, do you?

History will give you some dire facts, but our young do not get taught.  Fact:  Of the more than 180 peoples inhabiting the territory of contemporary Russia, 40 are officially recognized as indigenous. While the Russian constitution and national legislation set out the rights of “indigenous minority peoples of the North”, there is no such concept as “Free, Prior and Informed Consent” enshrined in legislation and thus, indigenous peoples are not recognized by Russian legislation as such. Russia has a multitude of regional, local, and interregional indigenous organizations, but the national umbrella organization, RAIPON, operates under tight state control.

Russia has not endorsed the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, nor has it ratified ILO Convention 169.

Do ya still like Communism?  Then you'll love the fact that they are covertly infiltrating the Democratic Party.  Meet Kamala Harris.

Some like Socialism . . .

Too bad our education is so bad.  Do you know anything about Venezuela?

Chavez ran for the Venezuelan Presidency. During his run, he downplayed his previous radicalism – telling people that he was ''neither for savage capitalism, nor socialism, nor Communism''. Instead, he claimed to support a "third way" -- a balance between socialism and capitalism.

Chavez won the election. Maria Teresa Romero, a Venezuelan who fled to the U.S., says Chavez’s softer rhetoric was all about seizing power.

“Hugo Chávez deceived people by blatantly using lies,” she told Fox News.

His first priority was to re-write the Constitution. He was direct about it, telling the Venezuelan congress in 1999: "The constitution, and with it the ill-fated political system to which it gave birth 40 years ago, has to die. It is going to die, sirs -- accept it," Chavez promised, with a straight face.

Only after Chavez had control of the courts and the legislature did he begin to fully advance socialist policies.

“A series of changes started to show us the terrifying truth,” Giannina Raffo said. “Constant attacks on private property, the implementation of very harmful economic policies, criminalization of dissent, censorship, etc,”

In 2006, Chavez ran for election on an overtly socialist platform, and soon after he won, he began major seizures of privately-owned property.

Thousands of private businesses were nationalized – including media outlets, oil and power companies, mines, farms, banks, factories, and grocery stores.

Giannina Raffo personally experienced the effects of Chavez’s economic policies, which caused massive shortages and hyperinflation.

“Just before coming to the U.S. in January 2016, my family and I used to make +8 hour lines to buy basic goods.”

Food was her biggest worry.  “It’s the same that Cuba has – basically you can only buy a certain amount of food per week (2 pastas, 2 milks, 1 chicken, etc).”  She noted that, often, even that amount was not available. Surveys show the average Venezuelan has lost 24 pounds.

Her family was fortunate and was able to move out of the country.

Why is Biden considered a Socialist? HERE

Some have Obama birther and Muslim issues

Pres. Trump and many more don't believe in circumstances, do you?
Pres. Trump and many more don't like the Omar Dem citizenship/fraud games, do you? Somalia troops coming home!

  • Is birth certificate real or fake - why did he wait so long to produce it?  Many believe:  Barack Obama’s mother was living in Kenya with his Arab-African father late in her pregnancy. She was not allowed to travel by plane then, so Barack Obama was born there and his mother then took him to Hawaii to register his birth.  LISTEN     LISTEN   Is this THE TRUTH?
  • Barack H. Obama, Sr. was a Kenyan senior governmental economist -  Obama’s father.  He had a troubled life - whybigamy?  Ann Dunham, Obama’s mother was abandoned, so soon divorced and married Lolo Soetoro.
  • Both fathers were devout Muslims.   Ties to Muslim Brotherhood.    HERE   School  mosque

What about the Gender Pay Gap?

Women have more control over their pay than previous generations. What's changed?  For example, a woman can choose to go into one of the higher-paying fields, like information technology or engineering.  THE TRUTH

Other career fields, like the trades, have changed. The trades represent “man’s work” old thinking is gone.   

This is a good time to celebrate the progress that has already been made and talk about what is to come.

Not only has the pay gap been reduced by 50 percent in the past 50 years, but there are many career fields where women have achieved parity, based on similar education, experience, and responsibility levels.

Progress is certainly being made. And in the end, that progress can be attributed to the millions of women who are pressing forward into the career world, blazing new trails and earning higher pay.

Keep up the good work and thank Pres. Trump!

What about monopolies?

You should be screaming - both parties have been duped.  This is what America should be screaming about - this is reality - not media hype.

When firms have such power, they charge prices that are higher than can be justified based upon the costs of production, prices that are higher than they would be if the market was more competitive. With higher prices, consumers will demand less quantity, and hence the quantity produced and consumed will be lower than it would be under a more competitive market structure.

The bottom line is that when companies have a monopoly, prices are too high and production is too low. There's an inefficient allocation of resources.

In addition, the tactics used to establish monopoly power, such as driving competitors out of business or thwarting potential entrants, can also cause considerable harm to households who own the businesses that are forced to close their doors.

For instance, a firm with deep pockets can set prices below costs and absorb losses until competitors can no longer survive. Then, once the competition is eliminated, the surviving firm can raise prices high enough to more than cover the losses it took while establishing its now-dominant market position (under antitrust regulation, such tactics are prohibited).

What happened to our anti-trust laws?

Is Banking a racket?

Why is the Federal Reserve unnecessary?  Why oust banking family man, Adam Schiff?

There are many things that we need to fix.  Why do we get so off-track and distracted?  Let's stay focused on real problems, OK?  Republicans love history, because we can use it as a learning tool.

Many actions have been taken, some not taken, some issues ignored AND ALL have been mistakes that we need not repeat, if we study our history.  There's also action that we did take, wars won and human rights guarded thanks to the U.S.A.  Hurray!

These actions, wins, and morals need to be taught; they're why we're proud and the world notices!

Patriotism is no longer taught in school

Patriotism needs to be taught to every child in the U.S.A. For example: learn the pledge of allegiance. Aside from teaching the meaning of the Pledge of Allegiance, you need to teach about how to respectfully display the American flag. Children must learn this from parents at home nowadays.

What about the National Anthem? Do you and your children know how to show respect = during the national anthem, you should stand at attention and face the flag, or face toward the music, with your right hand over your heart.

What about our living veterans? The best way to show respect to a veteran is to learn about them. If you’re going to give thanks, you should know what it is you are thanking them for. You should know what they do, how they train, what it is like for them to fight, what their jobs are like on a daily basis, etc. You should know the struggles they go through with an incompetent and non-functional VA system; you should know the challenges that veterans face in reintegrating to civilian society. That no big govt. run system works well.

What about our basic freedoms - what are they? Freedoms such as those outlined in the Bill of Rights (the first 10 amendments in the U.S. Constitution).

All, especially children need to learn and respect how we function in the U.S.A.  That democracy rocks - democracy allows people to participate equally—either directly or through elected representatives—in the proposal, development, and creation of laws. Also, we all need to learn and relearn that we have 3 branches of government, how we make laws. all about the Supreme Court and our banking system.

What about our responsibilities as a citizen? Do you teach or have you learned these core activities

What about our nation’s history? We must teach the good, the bad and the ugly in order to be proud, also do better and evolve.

Let's learn from home!  Home schooling is now a viable option to all -- free, because taxpayers pay.  

What about appreciating the U.S.A. melting pot of people?  Immigration reform, that includes the over 11 million illegals living among us?  The U.S.A. has never been about allowing invasion, takeover or the overrunning of our 6 cultural values.

What about imperfection? Do you teach or have you learned the 5 ways to embrace imperfection?

Do you teach or have you learned what are our human rights and about our religious freedom?

 Patriotism is love of country and pride in the values and ideals it represents to include strong families.  Why is a strong family important?  What about sex ed in school?

Let's talk about flipping some Dem Senate seats

What about Doug Jones the Dem in Alabama?  Tommy Tuberville will beat him because the schools are still not performing, still dealing with hook worm disease from backyard raw sewage and still extreme racial oppression is prevalent.  Let's keep in mind that 69% is still white.  Could Tommy win on just the abortion and education stances?  Wow!  Churches should charge to hear Tommy and Doug do townhalls in the church and of course practice social distancing! 

What about Gary Peters the Dem in Michigan? No brainer; John James the Vet will win even though tons of money is being spent on Peters.  John will need to motivate those not Muslim to vote; could he unite all the non-Muslims?

Take a look at the above nav-bar and look-see at politicians to oust!  Susan Collins is of special interest; why didn't Ronna have a contender at primary?  If a great Republican took the seat, we'd see more Trump support, right?  Are you happy with Ronna's work?

#ronnamcdaniel #ronnaromneymcdaniel

What's your opinion of the Roger Stone ruination? - Song

What's your opinion on child protection? - time to send emails to your House Reps (fastneasy top nav bar) - HERE